Saturday 20 March 2010

Social Business Summit 2010 tweet collection

In the past few days I've been working on a tool that retrieves certain tweets from Twitter, and downloads them in an easy to use format

Not fully automated yet, but here's the 3000+ tweets from the Dachis Social Business Summit so far: searched on #SBS2010
Hope you'll find good use for it

I'll be adding the Sydney ones after next week, and will probably add them to the same file. It's hard (= impossible) to split all the tweets neatly in Austin, London and Sydney

If there's anything you'd like to have added (or changed) please make a suggestion, this is just what I thought would be a handy format. It's 600KB+ this way and link-free so will load quickly, and formatted in a way that you can easily copy-paste it into a spreadsheet
Update March 30th: added the Sydney tweets as well and converted into HTML
Now a 1.2 MB file (unpacked) that will take a few seconds to load, once donwloaded, as it contains 3,580 tweets with avatars
Again, this was a first for me since years, comments appreciated

Here's the link:
SBS2010 summit XML collection
Latest version: SBS2010 v12.xml

Added on request:
SBS2010 summit spreadsheet
Latest version: SBS2010 v10.xls

(By the way I'll just be refreshing this version -keeping version numbering intact- so this link won't change. And yes, it's a bit of a learning exercise for me [blush] - it certainly has been a while since I coded)

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