Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The awkward Art of Selfpromotion

Yesterday I saw a post on Cloudave, written by Michael Krigsman. It was about a list of people worth following, according to Michael, if you are interested in Enterprise Software.
I scanned the list to see who was on there that I'm not already following, and was surprised to find Michael Krigsman himself on it.
As he himself titled the post "Trusted enterprise software experts: The #EnSW Twitter list" I couldn't refrain from tweeting my feelings about that:

RT @CloudAve: Trusted enterprise software experts: The #EnSW Twitter list < sad how @mkrigsman put his own name on it

However, I was too quick. @Cloudave himself pointed me to the fact that this was not Michael's list, but Dennis Moore's one - and that was correct.
So I correct my tweet by RT-ing it with a comment, and apologise:

Correction, it's @dbmoore's list. Sorry > The #EnSW Twitter list < sad how @mkrigsman put his own name on it

The post is a summation of someone else's "list" without reference to source, and it's got the author of the post on it, as well as the creator of the "list": Dennis Moore.

So I thank Cloudave, and tweet with some sarcasm that I'm pleased to see that Dennis thinks of himself a s a smart news commentator

@CloudAve thanks, read too quickly. Odd blog post then, though. However, pleased that @dbmoore thinks of himself as a smart news commentator

A while after, while myself sound asleep, Dennis responds with a tweet and an email
According to Dennis, it appears that the "list" is actually a compilation of Dennis' Follow Friday (#FF) tweets related to #EnSW. I'll have to take his word for granted, as I can't find anything for #FF #EnSW in Twitter search, save for 3 tweets in over a week (one of which is Dennis' tweet to me mentioned above).
Dennis also states that on those occassions he indeed recommends himself in the following way:

#ff #EnSW Smart news commentators @SAP_Jarret @jonerpnewsfeed (and @dbmoore ;) )

and indeed we have a smiley there - pun taken. Again, I'll have to take his word for it, but I do

So, the smiley fell off in the post; Dennis and Michael will have to take that up with each other, I guess. It's a small omission but makes a huge difference.
But, maybe this is not Dennis' list now, maybe it's Michael's because he spends an entire blog post on it? Maybe it's Michael recommending Dennis here as smart news commentator?
That would be a fair assumption, but leave the question unanswered as to why Michael himself is on the list as "smart writer / analyst"
To make a long story short: either this is Michael's list, no matter where he got it, and courtesy and modesty dictates that he'd left out his own name. Or it's Dennis' list, and it should have been published as such untarnished, preferably by Dennis himself.

Or just take a combination of those two and create a confusing mess

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