Friday 13 November 2009

Changing ecosystems: who will be 2010's dinosaur(s)?

The Dinosaur was a mighty beast, highly respected and deemed insuperable until that perception was suddenly 180-ed. There are several theories of course as to why this happened, but the one I like most is the fact that the cause (action) was simple, and the effect too: an insufficient reaction (to changing ecosystems)

Jeff Jarvis thinks there are new ecosystems out there: that's part 1 of the equation

Part 2 is right here as well
Rupert Murdoch may be the first dinosaur, announcing he wants people to pay for his news in stead of be
drawn to his website by the help of Google and others. His timing couldn't be worse, now Twitter is pretty much the lifeline and pulse of this planet either creating or spreading news like a virus

Heck why would I pay for news? I'm subscribed to a newspaper, but that's just for fun so I have some paper in my hand in the evening. I read the comics, the local stuff, but there's no news in there at that moment - the majority wasn't even news to me when the ink was still warm

I really like the simplicity of Jeff's drawing, which makes me think of the different security "models" I use: the egg and the onion. The egg is one single, very hard shell. Tough to penetrate, but once you're in, you're in. The onion is totally different: soft layers easy to penetrate, but there are just so many of them that it will take you ages and you could even get lost, mistaking the other end of the current layer you just broke through, for an entrance to a deeper layer

That's what companies look like to me, more than every now and then. Impenetrable. I've even witnesed at large government agencies that testers and developers decide what an application actually does, and how it functions. Sure there are project leads, designers, architects, and all that, but there are so many layers in between them that each one almost "works" as a single point-of-no-return. The developer might go to the project lead to tell him that the testers want functionality in there that the business doesn't need, but the project lead isn't going to go all the way up & back to the business or architect. It just takes far too much time...

Take a huge global company like IBM. 400,000 thousand employees worldwide. Four Hundred Thousand! No wonder they just call all their software products Websphere, although labelling everything IBM would have done the same trick. I really can't imagine (and my imagination is fine, believe me) that a company of that size works as one company at all, or is Agile enough to react to change. It will take so long to prepare a start to anything, that the point-of-no-return almost implicitly lies at project start, or even before

Who's going to be tomorrow's dinosaur(s)? Well, easy, anyone of those big corporate enterprises out there that move slowly like a dinosaur, and adapt badly like a dinosaur does
From the current dinosaurs (a.o.) people will emerge and form networks. It won't be companies who value people (”You know A? He works for XYZ”), it will be people who value networks (”Yeah, XYZ. The network A, B and C participate in”)

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